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Главная » Файлы » Gamemode

Old School A/D
< ] 14.06.2009, 11:42

О моде:
Old School A/D was [BoD]'s official script for quite a long time, had a bunch of клан вар on it, trainings, etc. I hope now, after release, it will find it's usage or will simply help someone.
This mode is edit of old "AAD Rumble" (people who know it will remember, no chekpoints, weapons in class menu, etc) by 90NINE, the one which i guess was first A/D being made, dunno for sure, but fact is that almost every A/D script novadays is based on this.

Команды мода для игроков
/rw <1-2>
/dance <1-4>
Команды для админа:
/mode <0-2>
/allowset <0-1>
/showsets <0-1>
/usecp <0-1>
/monstealth <0-1>
/ltonkey <0-1> <0-1>
/ids <0-1>, /pause

Game config:
config.ini parameters (all changeable from ingame):
attskin - int, attacker skin
defskin- int, defender skin
refskin- int, referee skin
weather - int, weather id
modehour - int, time
tagdistance - int, distance of player name/hp visible
modetime - int, base time
maxtdmkills - int, max kills in TDM (/mode 2)
usecp - bool, parameter to turn checkpoint on and off
cptime - int, checkpoint time
cpsize - int, not float(!), checkpoint size
showsets - bool, parameter to turn on and off messages to team with who choosed which weapon set
monstealth - bool, money + armour as hp
ids - bool, show ids in chat after player's name
ltonkey - 1st: bool, lobby textdraw with teams/scores appears if player press "look behind" key - 2nd: bool, show text or textdraw on spawn with hint regarding how to use feature (only if 1st is 1)
setallow - bool, 1-7, which weapon sets are allowed
setlimit - int, 1-7, weapon set limits

/cmdlist и /acmdlist

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